It’s Not A Box Theatre lives and works primarily in Saskatoon which exists within Treaty 6 Territory, land of the Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Dakota Sioux, Nakota Sioux, and home of the Métis. We as a company, founded by a white Canadian settler and Taiwanese newcomer, acknowledge that we are not just guests but beneficiaries from stolen land, broken treaties, and the ongoing genocide of Indigenous nations. It is our duty to work to dismantle structures of colonial white supremacy through our creative processes and productions and discover spaces on this land where radical joy and repair can occur.

Let this acknowledgement be a lens, not a laurel.


As a digital immersive company, It’s Not A Box Theatre uses software and hardware technologies from corporations such as Google and Meta, who exploit our data, manipulate our behaviour, and alienate us as dividuals flowing through the digital non-places they have created. It is our duty to actively seek alternatives to these technologies where possible, appropriate and subvert them where not, and otherwise meaningfully challenge the capitalist practices and paradigms embedded within them, all in pursuit of data justice.

Let this acknowledgement be a lens, not a laurel.